A Toast to Cavalier Staff: Teamwork Wins Out
Published Sep 8, 2020 | Posted in Culture, News, People
Cavalier Knows How to Spell Success: Teamwork.
It’s been a banner year at Cavalier Tool and Manufacturing.
Despite these challenging times, The Canadian mold maker has not only thrived while ensuring Cavalier staff remain safe on the job, but overall sales for the first nine months of 2020 have equalled what was achieved in 2019 – and there’s still plenty of year left.
“We have as many jobs at this point this year than we’ve had all of last year,” Sales Manager Tim Galbraith announced during a recent Town hall lunch meeting between staff and management.
Town hall meetings are a requisite part of Cavalier’s culture: it’s a chance for Cavalier to update their status as a company with “The Army” and an opportunity to thank the troops for their hard work.
Held just before the Labour Day weekend, Cavalier showed appreciation by providing each of their employees with a case of 30 Bud Light – reflecting the Cavalier colour blue – for a job well done.
Those who elected not to receive beer were rewarded with a Home Depot gift card.
“We wanted our Cavalier family to toast themselves over a long weekend and reflect on a job well done,” said Cavalier president Brian Bendig. “They give us a lot of blood, sweat, hours and dedication – and we want them to know that it doesn’t go unnoticed.”
The Town Hall also gave Cavalier a chance to welcome two new sales reps into the fold – Dave Genik and Ricardo Novales, the latter representing the company’s expansion into Latin America – part of a growth strategy that also includes forays into Europe, Asia and their ongoing US relationships.
Galbraith told the gathering of employees that the company’s momentum is continuing and “we’re hitting home runs.”
He shared some comments from appreciative clients:
One client says congratulation for your work done so far. He is very pleased with your design review meetings and the professionalism of the team.
Some other accolades:
“Cavalier is a very impressive company. I was blown away by all the technology you use. I believe we will have a great partnership moving forward and I am excited about the opportunities you can help us with.”
From another:
“Cavalier has always done an outstanding job in supporting our company growth. We greatly appreciate all the hard work and sacrifice from the Cavalier staff. It truly is a great partnership.”
“We would like to thank Cavalier Tool for delivering us quality built injection mold tools to help us meet all our manufacturing needs and customer needs. Cavalier has gone above and beyond to support us in all tooling related actives. We thank all the folks at Cavalier Tool for the hard work and dedication.”
And, one more:
“Cavalier is without a doubt the best vendor/strategic partner we have. I’ve always felt our relationship is a true partnership! Absolutely every Cavalier staff member I’ve had contact with…from sales and estimating to shop floor personnel and everybody in between seem to genuinely value us as a customer, and it shows in everything you do. You go above and beyond, and in my opinion, Cavalier is the best tool shop on the planet! Keep it up!!!!”
“These words are not said because we have great salespeople, “Galbraith continued.
“Or because we have great program managers…
Or because we have great designers…
Or apprentices, toolmakers or machinists…
“These words are a result of the cohesive attitude put forward by each and every member of the #CavalierArmy day in and day out.
“On behalf of all the management team I want to say thank you, it is an honour to work beside you.”
Strong leadership may be one component of Cavalier’s current prosperity, but Brian Bendig agrees that team effort collectively given by his Cavalier Army is just as important
“Working as a team, we’ve weathered a recession or a pandemic, “says Bendig. “We always stay with our core of people, process and equipment. When we have the right ingredients, we continue to build on that success.”
Diversity is also paramount.
“When the automotive sector does well, everybody wins,” says Bendig. “But when it hits a slump, troubles arise. Luckily, Cavalier hasn’t placed all its eggs in the automotive basket: Our pursuit of the commercial, recreational and agricultural industries has allowed us to grow and prosper.”
That variety – coupled with Cavalier’s vision – is why the company is enjoying another triumphant year. It’s an understanding that sometimes Cavalier will undertake projects with short-term pain to result in long-term gain.
“We’re in this for the big picture,” says Galbraith. ” We’re not afraid to spend money in either equipment or a situation where we may not recoup our investment immediately – or even in a year or two. But we’re confident that a big payoff will eventually happen.”
“We’re still working towards efficiency on some of our projects – and there are changes coming to address that, because changes must be made to sustain this level of business and do it profitably.”
As Galbraith assures, despite this impressive run, the Windsor-based tool and manufacturing company is going to continue to capitalize on its momentum based on The Cavalier Way: precision, quality and customer satisfaction.
“We’re just getting started,” says Galbraith.